How I achieved 14,699+ Minutes Watched on My Youtube Channel Last Month

I am not a Youtube star and I am not making crazy money from Youtube videos, but I love to use my SEO/Marketing knowledge to see if I can get any traction and potentially make money through different revenue streams. I decided I was going to use similar tactics I used back in 2010 which generated me over $48,912.63 in Google Adsense Revenue.

Youtube is used by millions of people every day. People go there for entertainment, product reviews, how-to videos, and many more reasons! So you probably see the potential.

So I decided to take on this challenge. Here is a step by step process I took to get started.

Step 1: I picked my Youtube Channel Theme

I wanted to pick a theme that I enjoy doing and people would benefit from watching.

So I decided on two different categories:

  • How-to Videos – I am always doing DIY projects and every time I start one, I always watch a video on how to do it. So I figured, when I am working on a project, I will try to make a better video on that topic and hope people will watch mine instead 🙂
  • Product Reviews – This goes hand in hand with the DIY projects I like to do. I will make a video of it and provide an honest review.

Pro Tip:

Make sure you are making videos of something you enjoy or you will stop after your first few videos don’t get any traction.

Step 2: Find Keywords That Have Search Volume

Once you decide on a video you are going to make, see if there is any search volume surrounding that topic. I wanted to share two different examples that have worked for me.

For example 1: High Volume & High Competition Search Volume

I decided to make a video on killing mosquitoes with an insect fogger because I did not want to pay a professional company $75 per visit. Just thinking logically about this, you have to assume that you are not the only person wanting to do this! You would also love to watch a video on how someone did this and what product they used. It sounds like a great candidate for a video!

If you do a bit of research there is a ton of monthly traffic. (Seasonal of course)

You do not have to rank for every keyword, you can just focus on one of them. I used SEMRush for this data. This is a very competitive keyword to rank so if you can get some rankings, you will get traffic to your videos!

Example 2: Niche Video with Low Search Volume

I made another video of myself replacing my throttle body on my 2006 Honda CRV. That is not going to have a ton of search volume but there are going to be people that will search for replacing a throttle body for a Honda CRV. The good thing about making videos like this is that the person that gets to your video will probably watch every minute of it.

At 10 minutes a pop, you can see where I can start racking up some minutes on a monthly basis!

Step 3: Optimize Your Video to Rank for Keywords that Have Search Volume

  1. Title of the Video – This is the primary keywords you want to rank for when people search on Youtube
  2. Video Description – This is supporting content to your Title to emphasize the keywords you want to rank for.
  3. Keywords – These are related keywords that you want your video associated with.


If you do those three steps above, I bet you will get some traffic to your youtube videos. If you have a cool theme, make great videos, people will start liking, sharing, and following your channel! It all takes time and there is a learning curve, but overall, it can be really fun especially if you are making videos you enjoy!

Also, if you can show me some love, I am trying to increase my Youtube Subscribers! Please subscribe to my channel!

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